Goal Setting For Motivation & Success

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Set Yourself Some Lifetime Goals

One of the first things that you should think about when you are setting personal goals is what specific things you actually want to accomplish in your lifetime. These lifetime goals will give you the perspective that you need in order to shape many of the decisions that you will be making in your life.

There are some specific areas of your life in which you are going to want to set very determined goals. The following categories can help you to focus on certain aspects of your lifetime goals:

•    Mental attitude: Your mental attitude must be positive so that there are no negative thoughts or mindsets holding you back. Take a look at your behaviour in certain situations and try to ask yourself if this was something that prevented you from reaching a specific goal.

•    Your career: Depending on what career you want, there will be specific goals that you will need to follow to make sure that you have all your credentials at the end of your schooling. Ask yourself what level it is that you do want to reach in your career.

•    Family: Setting family goals can be a little more difficult than other goals because your decision may usually affect someone else as well. You will first need to decide if you want to be a parent and if you want the responsibilities that come with parenting.

•    Financial: Determine how much you it is you want to be making when you reach a certain age.

•    Physical: Determine if there are any athletic goals which you want to reach. This can be as simple as maintaining good health or as complicated as learning how to mountain climb. What will it take for you to actually reach this physical goal?

•    Pleasure: Make a list of things that really make you happy. Then make another list of some steps that you can take to incorporate more of these pleasures into your life.

Once you have your list of the above categories clearly written down, you will need to assign them with a priority number. Start with your number one priority and then start to implement changes in your life so that you can achieve this goal. Work down the list but bear in mind that you can change the priority of a category at any time. Your lifetime goals are like milestones that you want to reach for your own personal achievement.

When you are setting lifetime goals it is important that you make decisions for yourself which are going to fit into the person that you want to be. Perhaps the most important step when it comes to goal setting is to be firm in the lifetime goals categories that you feel are most important to you.

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Goal Setting Free Guide
◦ Goal Setting Home
◦ Introductory Tips On Setting Goals
◦ How To Set Goals
◦ Creating A Goal Setting Plan
◦ Creating A Goal Setting Plan 2
◦ Creating A Goal Setting Plan 3
◦ Creating A Goal Setting Plan 4
◦ Key Points To Goal Setting
◦ How Goal Setting Can Go Wrong
◦ How Goal Setting Can Go Wrong 2
◦ How Goal Setting Can Go Wrong 3
◦ Career Goal Setting
◦ Career Goal Setting 2
◦ Career Goal Setting 3
◦ Developing Career Action Plan Strategies
◦ Setting Health & Fitness Goals
◦ Setting Relationship Goals
◦ Setting Financial Goals
◦ Setting Family Goals
◦ Setting Family Goals 2
◦ Setting Artistic Goals
◦ Get Motivated To Achieve Your Goals
◦ Goal Setting Do's & Don'ts
◦ Time Management For Achieving Goals
◦ Stress Management To Achieve Goals
◦ Goal Achievement Results
Goal Setting Articles
◦ Identifying Symptoms of Low Self Esteem
◦ Give A Direction To Your Life By Setting Goals
◦ Set Yourself Some Lifetime Goals
◦ Determine Your Core Beliefs Before Setting Goals
◦ How Behavior, Beliefs And Attitude Can Determine Goals
◦ Your Goals And The Wheel Of Life
◦ Goals And Your Motivation
◦ Recognizing Your Goals Through Coaching
◦ Setting Goals With The Help Of A Coach
◦ How Emotions And Thoughts Can Affect Your Goals
◦ Setting Your Goals Using Kolb's Model
◦ Why Some Affirmations Work
◦ How Affirmations Attract Money
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